New Sports and Entertainment Channels added to Vidgo


Whether you are a hard-core sports fan or simply like curling up for a good flick, Vidgo gives you a hundred more reasons to experience the best in live sports and entertainment. Chicken Soup for the Soul is your destination for hand-picked Hollywood movies and miniseries. Tennis Channel volleys up the best in tennis coverage.

From mysteries and miracles, to romcoms and noteworthy originals, Chicken Soup for the Soul has hundreds of options that will entertain all audiences. Titles include Devil’s Peak, 40 Days and 40 Nights (2002), Trigger Point (2021), A Snapshot of Forever (2022), and Fear the Invisible Man (2023).

Tennis Channel is the only 24-hour channel dedicated to both the professional sport and tennis lifestyle. Tennis channel covers more than a thousand matches annually including the grand-slam tournaments: US Open, Wimbledon, Roland Garros (French Open), and Australian Open. Tennis Channel is the exclusive U.S. home of all men’s ATP World Tour and women’s WTA Tour competitions, Laver Cup and Billie Jean King Cup.

Both channels are included with your Vidgo subscription. Vidgo gives you premium seating to the best in Live Sports, News, and Entertainment. With more than 150 channels and tens of thousands of VOD titles, Vidgo gives you the Freedom to be Entertained.


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